Developing Organizational Knowledge Creation model in Knowledge-based Firms of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Candidate in Knowledge and Information Retrieval, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Materials and Nuclear Fuel Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, AEOI. I. R. Iran


Objective: The main weakness of the previous models in the domain of organizational knowledge creation is the failure to consider psychological aspect of people and information technology. Based on the theoretical literature on knowledge management, if consider individuals, processes and information technology as major elements for knowledge management and creation, so knowledge creation process requires considering the psychological aspect of those who create new knowledge  and also considering information technology, which is instrumental in shaping and implementing the knowledge creation process. In knowledge-based firms of Iran which the activities is based on specialized knowledge and advanced technology, there is an urgent need to consider cognitive and technological aspects governing these firms to provide appropriate developed model. Therefore the main objective of this research is to develop the Organizational Knowledge Creation model for knowledge-based firms of Iran. For this purpose two theories have been used; Task- Technology Fit and Theory of Planned behavior. These theories study the fitness between organizational tasks and existing technologies in mentioned firms. Moreover understanding the psychological aspects of people who influence the knowledge creation process is considered.
Methodology: This paper deals with the content analysis of texts that examines the application of two theories in the fields of psychology and information technology to develop the organizational knowledge creation model through analyzing and integrating the dimensions of the theories.
Findings: Knowledge-based firms need to pay particular attention to the cognitive factors of individuals and their behavioral intentions in discussing participation in the four stages of knowledge creation in order to optimize their major goals, including the effective use of existing knowledge and the creation of new knowledge. Also considering the fit of business processes with the technologies used can facilitate their activities and accelerate them, since the structure of creating knowledge-based firms is based on competitiveness, innovation and up-to-date technology in the field of related specialized knowledge, that all are facilitated through technologies.
Conclusion: Knowledge-based firms need to pay particular attention to the cognitive factors of individuals and their behavioral intentions in discussing participation in the four stages of knowledge creation in order to optimize their major goals, such as making effective use of existing knowledge and creating new knowledge. Also, considering the fit of business processes with the technologies used can facilitate and accelerate activities because the structure of knowledge-based companies is based on competitiveness, innovation and up-to-date technology and specialized knowledge, that all are facilitated through technologies.


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