Knowledge dissemination based on social networks: a systematic review

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of knowledge management at Tarbiat Modares University

2 Prafesor

3 tarbiat modares



Knowledge is a well-known asset that increases when others share it, and its sharing and dissemination leads to synergy and growth of individual and collective knowledge.Knowledge is shared with others using metaphors, concepts, hypotheses, diagrams, models, and patterns. In fact, the dissemination of knowledge is the process of communication between two or more people, which includes the transfer and acquisition of knowledge. In the dissemination of knowledge, the focus is on human capital and interpersonal interactions.In today's world, technology plays a significant role in spreading knowledge. In recent years, the spread of social media has had a significant impact on the ease of spreading knowledge among people.Today, social networks have become a valuable platform to facilitate knowledge sharing and communication, not only at a personal or individual level, but also for organizations. However, despite the significant and rapid growth of research in this field, few attempts have been made to systematically review and synthesize the findings of previous reviews and assess the current state of research on the use of social networks in knowledge sharing. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding and review the current state of research on the use of social networks for knowledge dissemination.
We used a systematic literature review method to collect and review studies following a predefined review method, integrating automatic and manual search strategies, in order to cover all relevant research articles published in this period. Systematic search according to key words reached 253 researches, and finally 37 researches that match the criteria were determined for in-depth analysis.
After the data analysis process, the results from the selected primary studies provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the current research that focuses on knowledge dissemination through social networks and identify three main activities of social network use, which include the processes Knowledge seeking, knowledge dissemination and social interaction. In addition, factors including accessibility, authenticity, and permanence, as well as other key factors, make social networks a space for knowledge dissemination in all fields. The findings of this study show that organizational climate, lack of leadership, costs of knowledge compilation, fear of losing the power of knowledge and lack of personal benefit are among the challenges of knowledge dissemination in social networks.
The results of this study show that social networks for implementing knowledge dissemination are related to different forms of behavior and have the potential to overcome the challenges associated with its use.
Knowledge management, knowledge dissemination, knowledge dissemination challenges, social networks.
