Analysis of Immovable Waqf Changes in Qajar Period, Case Study: Astan Quds Rasavi

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Political Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Department of Social Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Objectives: This article tries to analyze the changes of Waqfs while presenting a clear description of the Waqfs of Astan in Qajar, identifying the peak points of Waqfs and its influential components.
Methodology: It has used social history and some theoretical approaches, descriptive-analytical historical method, and interviews.
Finding: The annual average of immovable Waqfs in Qajar is about one and a half pieces. The most frequent are as follows: Special expenses are 73 percent and 17.66 percent for Khodam, 36.62 percent of cases are farms. 69.52 percent is located in Khorasan. 45 percent of the donors of this age belong to the upper middle class. 35 percent have left the responsibility to Astan and 62 percent have not appointed a supervisor. The annual average of Waqfs during the times when one person was the Custodians and governor was 3.88, pieces While for the years when he was only a Custodians, it was 1.31. In twenty-five years, in line with 27 percent of the total actions of the Custodians, about half of the Waqfs have been established. In addition, the character of six of the Custodians was evaluated as positive, two as average and two as weak. Compared to two decades of waqf decline in which the actions of the Custodians accounted for 15 percent of the total actions, the character of four Custodians was evaluated as positive and four as weak. 84 percent of the years of the Nasseri period were stable, the highest waqf amount with an annual average of 2.7 percent is related to this period and the change in the majority of the transfer of Custodians in favor of Astan is also from the Nasseri age.
Conclusion: Having social status, to be evaluated positively, the action of the king that leads to religious trust, Social stability and organizational order of Astan, the social position and performance of the Custodians, who have social reflection and the ability to gain trust, have had positive impact on the developments of Waqf. In other words, if the governor or Custodians has a reliable, powerful personality and has a high social identity, while having executive experience, it was more effective in attracting and maintaining Waqfs. In the cities that have the highest amount of endowments, in addition to financial ability, cultural affinity and historical history have had a positive effect. However, the instability did not create a permanent obstacle for the Waqf, rather it reduced its dispersion. Although the concept of "felt needs" is suitable for explanation, it should be considered in the context.


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